Thursday, May 28, 2009

Copping Mango Tree

A little update for today at my house, Meichi's lil mansion!! This afternoon three Align Centerof us has become a temporary cut tree helper which includes me, Yien Yien and Mr. D. Although we din't really make a lot of help but our tasks is important. The main task for us is to "Pick Up Mango" and "Pull the Tree Branches".

The main problem for Mr. D is "HE CANNOT TOUCH MANGO". He was sensitive to mango which once he touch, he will turn horny man and whole face was BENGKAK GILA. Isnt sound funny??!! :)
Anyway, he also give a help too.

So, picking up the mango is turn to become me and Yien Yien jobs. hahahhahahahah

The story end here and to be continue by other members~~~

Love, Mrs. Tan

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